Learn More About Prince George Gyro

The Gyro Club of Prince George was inaugurated on October 9, 1948. Today it has approximately 45 members.

When Does the Prince George Gyro Club Meet?

The Prince George Club meets bi-weekly (the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month) on Thursday nights from early September to the end of June, with the exception of Christmas holidays.

Where Does the Prince George Club Meet?

The Prince George Club regular meetings, and mixed meetings and special events are usually all held at the Grand Trunk Restaurant.

What is the Format of a “Regular” Meeting?

The cocktail hour starts at 6:00pm; dinner is served at 7:00pm and the meeting usually starts at approximately 8:00pm. The meeting runs for approximately 1 hour and concludes the formal part of the evening.

What is Served for Dinner?

Each member or guest selects a meal from a fixed dinner menu.

What is the Cost of the Meal?

Members are responsible for paying for their own meal and beverages at the meeting / dinner / event.

What are the Annual Dues, Initiation Fees and Installation Costs?

Annual dues are currently $300 per year paid in advance annually.

If attending the Prince George installation, the installation free for all members. Guests will be charged a fee determined at the time the event invitation is sent out. This includes the Friday night social, Saturday night Installation and Sunday morning moosemilk breakfast.

What is the Difference Between a: Member, Guest and “Probie”?

Member: A member in good standing has been installed into Club and paid their annual dues.

Guest: Current members are encouraged to bring a friend they feel may be a good fit for the Club. This allows guests to enjoy the Gyro experience to see if they would be interested in joining Gyro. The first visit for each guest is complimentary; the club covers the cost of their meal.

Probie: A probational member is a member who has submitted an application for membership, but has not yet been installed. Probational members are treated the same as a member, except without voting rights.

How to Become a Member – The Path to Membership

  1. If you are interested in becoming a Prince George Gyro, reach out to one of our members or executive to attend a complimentary bi-weekly meeting. If you have a good time, fill out an Application Form to join.
  2. The application for membership shall be signed by the proposer and seconder and, if required by the club directors.
  3. The election of new members will be by the members.
  4. Immediately upon election of any candidate for membership, notice shall be given to the applicant who shall remit any initiation fees and membership dues payable.

How and When are New Members Installed?

In the Prince George Club, new members are typically installed at a regular meeting or during the installation weekend.

Each club has an installation weekend at which time the new club executive (board members) and new club members are sworn in. Members from all other Gyro clubs are invited to attend.

Prince George’s installation is traditionally the last weekend in September. Installations are generally a Friday, Saturday and Sunday event with a formal-attire Gala evening on the Saturday night.

What is the Dress Code?

The dress code for regular bi-weekly meetings is smart casual defined, as dress pants and a shirt with a collar; ties and jackets are optional.

The dress code for some of the special events (ie: installation) is formal, defined as a suit and tie.

What is the Expectation of Attendance?

Gyro has no minimum required attendance. We are very flexible! Come as often as you enjoy and are able; Gyro is all about fun. Just because we meet bi-weekly does not mean you need to attend bi-weekly. We have some members who attend only once per month. We also have some snowbird members who attend when they are in town.

What Level of Commitment is Expected?

You can have as much or as little involvement as you desire. Some members are interested in leadership or volunteer opportunities. These are strictly voluntary; there is no pressure whatsoever. Some members enjoy traveling to other club’s installations and partaking in the international friendship of the organization. This too is optional.

Aside From the Weekly Meetings, What are Some Optional Events I Could participate In? What About My Wife, Spouse or Girlfriend?

The Prince George Club has a large variety of optional events that may be of interest; italicized events are mixed company:

  • Prince George Gyro Club Installation (includes golf on Friday and Saturday, Friday night social, Saturday night Installation and Sunday morning moosemilk breakfast)
  • Annual Summer Barbeque
  • Golf Day / Dinner
  • Founder’s Night
  • Valentines Dinner
  • Father & Son Night
  • Grey Cup Party
  • Christmas Party
  • POW (Piss on Winter) Party
  • Concert Night
  • Fishing